Louis McKenzie wrote:
> As I watch Caroline Kennedy I think back to her days at Concord Academy where 
> she went to High School in the Seventies, I remember my first girlfriend 
> Jacky Reid who also went to Concord Academy via a scholarship.   Well I know 
> that the man who took Caroline's virginity was a man named Les McCann an 
> African American Jazz Musician.   
And old enough to be her father!  I used to go see Les and his group 
play at the Penthouse in Seattle when I was a freshman at the U of W.  
On a Saturday afternoon matinée he had a guest comic that was doing a 
show in town, Bill Cosby, come in and riff with him.  Les was actually 
better at improvising comedy than Cos.  They also did a show later in 
the evening after Cosby's evening show.  Quite an experience.

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