We have our very own Waldo.  Louis is somewhere in every picture.  
Barack, Caroline Kennedy, Teddy Kennedy.  Louis was there, or had a 
reliable tipster giving him the low down on what really happened.  
Did Les wear a condom?  Enquiring minds want to know!   

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <ltm457@> 
> [snip]
> As I watch Caroline Kennedy I think back to her days at Concord 
> where she went to High School in the Seventies, I remember my 
> girlfriend Jacky Reid who also went to Concord Academy via a 
> scholarship.   Well I know that the man who took Caroline's 
> was a man named Les McCann an African American Jazz Musician. 
> [snip]
> You are badly misinformed, Louis.  It wasn't Les McCann. 
> It was Rosie Grier.

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