--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > However, the next question is:  will McCain be elected as
> > president? I don't have McCain's chart so I can't ascertain
> > how strong his chart is at this time.
> This guy thinks so:
> http://www.horoscoper.net/horoscopes/johnmccain.htm
> It's a fairly detailed chart interpretation (Western
> astrology, not jyotish, but maybe you can make
> something of the actual chart).

Robert Hand's short sample forecast from the German astro.com -site:

 Send page

Your inward needs • Jupiter conjunction IC: • End of February 2008
until beginning of November 2008:

On the lookout • Jupiter square Ascendant: • Beginning of March 2008
until mid November 2008:

A conflict of principles • Uranus conjunction Saturn: • Mid March 2008
until mid February 2009:

Involuntary detachment • Saturn conjunction Neptune: • End of
September 2008 until beginning of July 2009:

A material peak • Saturn opposition Saturn: • Beginning of November
2008 until mid August 2009:

Emotionally secure • Jupiter conjunction Moon: • 19 December 2008
until 28 December 2008:

The Data Page


This report is a short edition of the Forecast Horoscope. It is meant
as a sample and advertisement for the full version of the Forecast
Horoscope which can be ordered from Astrodienst as a bound report of
about 15 - 20 pages.
Ordering Information
  Yearly Horoscope Analysis
Your personal forecast for the next 12 months, by Liz Greene. EUR
46.95, US$ 54.95
Order it now
  Transits of the Year
Forecast for 12 months based on your transits, by Robert Hand.
EUR 43.95, US$ 51.95
Order it now
  Forecast Horoscope
The inexpensive 12-month forecast. EUR 19.95, US$ 22.95
Order it now

In the short edition, only a few, but nevertheless important transits
over your natal chart are considered. It is likely however that some
important transits of this six month period have been omitted in this
abbreviated report.

If you are interested in the full pattern of relevant themes, please
order the full version of this report. Your best choice of report will
be Liz Greene's Yearly Horoscope Analysis or Robert Hand's Transits of
the Year. These reports will select the really relevant themes of a
12-month period for you, and deal with them in depth and style.

The report was generated for 6 months starting from August 2008 with
the following birth data: male, born on 29 August 1936 at 9:00 am in
Cocosolo, Panama.

Your sun sign is Virgo. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your
birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Libra, and your Moon is in Capricorn.

Jupiter conjunction IC: Your inward needs

End of February 2008 until beginning of November 2008: This is a time
for expansion and growth in your innermost personal life, a time when
you will seek security at home and with your immediate family. It may
be necessary to reexamine your past life to find out what it can teach
you about yourself. But this should not be a source of anxiety. In
fact, you should feel quite good about what you learn at this time.

The symbolism of this influence is that you incorporate more and more
of the outer world into your innermost life. On the material level,
you may buy a larger, more elegant or more spacious home. Certainly it
would be a good expression of this symbolism to improve your existing
home and make it more comfortable.

At this time you should do everything to ensure that your personal
life is as comfortable and secure as possible. You need to have a
feeling of inner peace and security in order to continue to move out
in the world. In fact you should not think so much about outward
success now as about the more personal and inward needs that we have
discussed here. And you should realize that your real need now is not
land or a larger home, but a feeling of strength and inner growth.

This is the time to tie up any loose ends in your personal life,
straighten out any relationships that are not working well, any
leftovers from your past life that are still affecting the present
adversely. To do this you may have to speak to others very openly
about yourself and your innermost thoughts.

So this is a good time to settle and put down roots. The feeling of
belonging to a place and a group of people is very important to you
now. You don't have to do this in a way that limits your freedom of
movement, and during this time it is very unlikely that you will do
so. But everyone needs a solid home base so that they can feel at
peace in their other activities. If you don't make an effort to
construct such a base now, you will have difficulty later when your
principal concerns are turning elsewhere.

Jupiter square Ascendant: On the lookout

Beginning of March 2008 until mid November 2008: This is usually an
excellent time for most kinds of relationships, but there are some
pitfalls. Basically this influence signifies a desire to grow and
advance through contacts with others. Probably you are willing to give
as much as you get, although in some people this influence triggers a
desire for advantages through others without giving anything in
return. In fact as they get ahead, such people act arrogantly toward
everyone, even those who helped them. This causes others to reject
them, and when they hit hard times there is no one to help them out.

But this result is totally unnecessary, and all you have to do to
avoid it is to keep a sense of humility and recognize what others have
done for you. With this influence you have the potential to become a
truly better person, but only if you keep these warnings in mind.

Quite frequently this influence brings a seemingly "lucky" chance
through a friend or associate. But it is not luck so much as the fact
that you are very sharply on the lookout for opportunities that can
benefit you. Your sense of timing is very acute, and your sensitivity
to others and their needs is greater than usual. That is one reason
why it is so bad to ignore others' needs, because you don't even have
the excuse of ignorance.

Benefits can come to you in either your personal and domestic life or
in your public life. There may be an opportunity to make money or to
make improvements in your home that will make it much more pleasant.
Or you may meet people who will help you learn more about the world
and expand your view of it in various ways. You have to be willing to
let this happen, however, which means you must be receptive. This is
another area in which being arrogant brings the risk that you will get
nothing of lasting value out of this period.

Uranus conjunction Saturn: A conflict of principles

Mid March 2008 until mid February 2009: At this time in your life,
structures you thought were dependable and permanent will be
threatened by sudden events. It is often a time of great tension and
sudden releases of tension.

This influence almost always represents a serious conflict of
principles. On the one hand, there is your reality structure, those
aspects of existence that you believe to be truly real, unchanging,
material and definite, the inevitable circumstances of life that must
be accepted by anyone who claims to be realistic. This influence
contradicts this structure by causing sudden change in areas that you
don't expect to change. And the more definite you think your situation
is, the more rigid and inflexible your idea of reality, the more
shocking your experience of this influence is likely to be.

Usually tension has been building up for many years in several areas
of your life. These tensions are most commonly the result of the
little compromises that we all make between what we want out of life
and what we feel we can get. But some of these compromises may violate
your inner integrity even though you don't realize it. Subconsciously
you are aware of it, however, and a force for change begins to operate
that eventually will try to overthrow the limiting aspects of your
life. It begins to surface as an unbearable tension between your
desire to be free of restrictions and your fear of insecurity and change.

Eventually you get to the point that something has to give, which
happens suddenly. People usually respond to this influence with sudden
actions that surprise others because they happen without warning and
are apparently unpremeditated. You may break off an unsatisfactory
relationship, or suddenly break away from something else that has
become a burden. Ultimately, no matter how disruptive this influence
seems, it is a force for good, because it clears away those built-up
structures that had been holding you back.

Saturn conjunction Neptune: Involuntary detachment

End of September 2008 until beginning of July 2009: During this time
you may have to contend with negative moods that can be quite
upsetting. This influence often results in confusion, self-doubt,
uncertainty and a general tendency to look at life from the worst
possible point of view. At its worst, it can make you completely
uncertain about what is real in your life, resulting in a sense of
fear and free-floating anxiety. However, it is important to remember
that this influence usually makes things appear worse than they
actually are.

Your confidence and sense of well-being are at a low at this time, and
you should not take your own gloomy evaluations too seriously. You
seem to be aware of only those facets of life that you are afraid of
and totally unaware of those things that can comfort and reinforce you.

Strange as it may seem, there is a constructive side to this period,
although most people usually experience the negative side. But if you
are very well attuned to your inner needs and secure enough not to be
led astray by illusions, even fearful ones, then this influence can
give you the ability to make extraordinary self-sacrifices. One effect
of this period is to detach you from the material universe. In that
case you may become disoriented and afraid, as described already, or
you may find that the demands of the material universe no longer
concern you particularly, and you can sacrifice your material needs to
spiritual needs.

Either way, your perception of reality at this time is quite different
from what it normally is, which you should take into consideration
when making any plans for the future.

Saturn opposition Saturn: A material peak

Beginning of November 2008 until mid August 2009: If you did not clear
away the structures and patterns in your life that were working badly
some seven years ago, this influence will be quite difficult. The old
failures that you have not handled properly in the last several years
will make your life exceedingly difficult now. However, everything
that you have handled well will reach a culmination and prove more
fruitful than ever before.

If you are still active in your work life, you may reach a peak of
success, which will be accompanied by increased responsibility. In
that case you will work extremely hard but very successfully. On the
other hand, you may receive abundant evidence that you are working in
the wrong area altogether. This would be manifested by extreme
difficulties in your work situation, such as finding your efforts
blocked by coworkers or superiors. If your superiors disapprove of
your performance, you should completely reevaluate your work. Even if
you are doing good work, this may be a signal that the job is
inadequate from your point of view. This should not be an occasion for
self-doubt and despair. Rest assured that you are supposed to be doing
something else.

In a similar way, relationships that were not straightened out several
years ago will also prove very difficult at this time and may very
well break up completely.

If your affairs are working out positively, this influence represents
a material peak in your life. By this time you have made the impact
upon others that you were supposed to make. It is as if you have said
to the world, "Here is what I am." Now, during the next fourteen
years, the world will reply, "And here are the consequences of what
you are."

Jupiter conjunction Moon: Emotionally secure

19 December 2008 until 28 December 2008: This is an extremely positive
time. You feel emotionally secure and in touch with your feelings,
which you can express clearly and honestly, both to yourself and to
others. At the same time you have an enormous feeling of generosity,
which enables you to give to others much more freely than usual
without feeling diminished in any way. This influence relates to the
nurturing function within you, the desire to protect and care for as
well as the desire to be supported. You can nurture another at this
time, or if you need help yourself, you will get it.

Your home and personal life are very important to you during this
time, and you will work to make this area as positive as possible. You
may simply make your home more comfortable and elegant, or on a more
psychological level you may bring friends and neighbors to your home
in order to make them feel good, as well as yourself.

At this time you will realize how your past has positively contributed
to your present situation, and you will want to be surrounded by
things that remind you of your past. This is a good time to go home
and see old friends and loved ones.

Regardless of your own sex, you may receive some benefit from a woman
who offers to help or care for you in some way. Often her function in
your life will be to reveal to you what is within and to make you more
self-sufficient. This person could even be a man, but he would affect
you in a maternal way.

About the only negative side of this influence comes from its symbolic
connection with nutrition and digestion. Psychologically, you are in a
period of incorporation and assimilation, of taking into yourself
whatever can nourish and support you. Obviously the physical correlate
of this is gaining weight, which can happen if you are not careful.
Fatty foods are especially difficult, so try to avoid them. 

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