--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
>  > 
> > > It's symptomatic of a broader contempt for women,
> > > especially working-class women, 
> > > 
> > > You mean like the women he worked with as a community
> > > organizer on the South side of Chicago instead of taking
> > > a high-paying job?
> > 
> > Non sequitur.
> I think it is part of a long list of evidence against your claim.

No, it isn't; it has nothing to do with it and
certainly isn't evidence *against* it. How he
*treated* the women he worked with, how he talked
about them to his friends, might constitute evidence
pro or con, but we don't know any of that.

If you're going to be a community organizer, you
don't have a choice about whether to work with
women. And the "high-paying job" he could have had
is a complete red herring in this context. It's
apples and kiwi fruit.

> includes his being raised by a single mom who he speaks of
> adoringly, married to a strong independent woman who relates
> to him as an equal during interviews, and his doting
> relationship with his two daughters.

None of that precludes his having contempt for
women as a whole, Curtis. "I'm not a sexist; some
of my best friends are women." Do you believe he
thinks of his mother and Michelle and his daughters
as typical women, or are they "special" in some
sense? None of them are working-class, either. His
mother and Michelle were highly educated, and his
daughters go to a private school.

> BTW if you read about the Mcain political culture you have much
> more ammo for a male dominant world

It's my understanding that he pays his female staff
members the same as his male staff members, whereas
Obama's female staffers are paid less than the men.
I also understand McCain has a higher proportion of
women on his staff than Obama does.

 which is why his pick came as such a
> surprise.

Well, sure, but he *did* pick a woman. Obviously he
didn't vet her thoroughly enough, but he must have
known she was a pistol, and it didn't threaten him.

There were several women Obama could have picked
other than Hillary, but he chose a man.

  Bush seemed to be much more comfortable working
> with women as his close relationship with Condi and Karen
> Hughes showed.

I haven't seen anything to indicate McCain doesn't
get along well with his female staffers and advisers.
And his campaign, especially with his pick of Palin,
has no hesitation about asking for women's votes.

> So other than this dubious metaphor interpretation, what is your
> evidence that Obama has contempt for women?

Go back and read my post, Curtis. I explained it
there. Somehow you managed not to see it.

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