Guru Dev wasn't a family man. So, doesn't this raise some questions
about how Maharishi, who says he was so "sold out" to Guru Dev, so
committed that he made his mind like Guru Dev's (I am sure I heard him
talk about that more than once), just how does he come by householder

It has always been a curious point.


-------There is no householder versus renunciate knowledge. In fact, especially in Tibetan Buddhist the Dalai Lama uses techniques which include yabyum visualization, so the so-called nonrenunciate tradition, aka tantra is the one both groups, lay, and monk, use.
Same actually does go for Guru Dev in that he was a Shri Vidyadhara. His deity visualizations were also yabyum. In fact, only and I repeat, only in the Shakta traditions at all is OM not universally used. Again, only in the Shakta tradition is OM not used sometimes, and only because the worship of Devi is primary. Om is not replaced by Shree, but usually by Aim Shrim Klim. 
There would not even be a question of OM anything in any other peetha besides the Jyotir Math because of the nature there of worshipping Devi. The other seats of the Shank worship Vishnu, Skanda, and Shiva. So in those other seats there is no especial worship of Devi, except when they are doing Devi worship.
The whole notion of OM being bad is a freaking mistake of Maharishi's intellect. And now a mistake of you who continue to be unenlightened in this regard. If anything Maharishi wanted to pronounce the mayic aspect of the Movement and so he prohibited Om from being used. He also prohibited Purusha from worshipping their lingas and also from wearing rudrakshas, saying that "America was not ready for Shiva."
Ironically it's only when Maharishi focused on his groups of pundits doing Shiva practices did the Movement completely flat line.

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