> >> Wolf raises issues with the bailout and the threat of martial 
> >> law if the bill didn't get passed (a totally unacceptable
> >> threat, people)
> > Who threatened martial law if the bill wasn't passed??
> You didn't watch the video did you?  She mentions Representative 
> of California told of the martial law threat.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaG9d_4zij8
~This vision that Ms.Wolf tuned into, of a possible dark future, is 
But it would be better for the Collective Consciousness of the planet 
right now, to hold a better vision of the future, than this one.

This is a time, as predicted, where the dark force, which has had the 
humans of earth, entrapped by various means, and by attempting to 
destroy the Native People's right to the pursuit of happiness, in 

Now, is the time, to raise your own consiousness, go with your heart, 
Attune yourself to the highest tone possible, a tone of love.
This is the tone of Light which Destroys the darkness of the fear 
Fear dissolves as it is witnessed, and evaperates in the light of 
love, acceptance and forgiveness, and a vision of unity of humanity.

We are all in this thing together, this consciousness thing together, 
and one of us can levitate, we all will be more able to levitate.
Keep a vibration of witnessing love vibration of soul, on the deepest 
level of yourself, while in this body, and radiate this vibration from 
the heights of Heaven, and bring it down, let it flow- to the 
grounding of the Earth Planet, where we all live together, floating in 
the Akasham.

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