The reason he wasn't open about it is obvious: he knew that there are
sewer rats like raunchydog who would distort it. Barack has denounced
Ayers's actions in the sixties and seventies; when Barack met him, he
was, and still is, a respected professor of education. There is no
scandal here at all, except in the minds of the sewer rats. My
assessment of Barack is that he is not only very, very smart, he is
also a man of good judgment who is steady under pressure. He is
exactly what we need at this time, not the emotional,
self-dramatizing, erratic McCain and his ludicrous running mate, who
as Barry said today, is too dumb to even realize when she has crossed
a line that decent people would not go near -- her remark that Barack
was "palling around with terrorists." What vicious nonsense that is,
as any person of reasonable judgment will immediately realize. 

On another note, what the hell am I doing in the subject line of this

--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Had he been open about his association with Ayers
> from the get-go, Ayers would have been much less of
> a problem for him. Same with Wright, for that
> matter, and Rezko as well.
> As they say, it's not the crime (or other awkward
> situation, in this case), it's the cover-up.
> Obama has done far too much covering-up of his
> past. That just shows really poor judgment on
> his part.

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