Email going around: 

October 6, 2008

Dear  Friends, 

I am writing to you not as a Republican or a Democrat but as a very
concerned citizen of Jefferson County. Recently a group of men were drinking
coffee at Hy-Vee and discussing the county supervisor race. A woman from the
meditating community heard them and said to them, "We are going to take over
this county and there is nothing you can do about it". That statement is
true if we don't defeat the two meditators running for county supervisors.  

William Richards and Earl Shepard are the candidates for Jefferson County
Supervisor on the Democrat ticket. These men are associated with MUM and the
meditating movement.  They will not represent you and your tax dollars with
regard to county business.

During the past year the meditating community has attempted to give tax
breaks to organic farmers, stop livestock production and use eminent domain
to take farm land.They have demolished historical landmarks on the Parsons
College campus because of the building design. If they controlled the county
dollars would they demolish our hundred year old courthouse?  

The meditating community is mounting a well organized effort to put their
candidates in power. It is very important for us to take action and vote.
Also... spread the word to your neighbors, friends and family.   <>
        Be sure to vote for Stephen Burgmeier and Lee Dimmitt, long time
Jefferson County residents. Also, spread the word to your neighbors, friends
and family.

Thank you  

Dave Dickey

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