--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> > 
> > Travis' research sounds fascinating but I'd want to see it 
> > replicated with James Randi standard controls to sort out what
> > (if anything) is happening. I'm not going to hold my breath
> > about it though because it means a complete overhaul of
> > many disciplines and on the flimsiness of the alleged evidence
> > there's no point getting excited.
> Correction, it requires a complete overhaul of everything
> we think we know. And on what evidence? An unrepeated
> study and some hilariously dodgy time series analysis.
> Give us the world peace the IA course promised and we'll
> have to take it seriously.

Statistically there is less war and civil war that ever before in 
history, and it has been steadily decreasing. This is not proof, but 
you watch too much news and don't realise you are only seeing ever-
diminishing pockets of violence, and blowing them all out of 
proportion in your mind. Peace has come (as long as Bush and Cheney 
leave quietly)


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