--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not gay but I am sure voting AGAINST Proposition 8 here in 
> California.  A few years back Californians voted to allow same sex 
> marriage

"Californians voted to allow..."

Bhairitu, that means that Californians voted on a proposition or in a 
referendum on that question (you didn't write that California's 
legislature voted to allow it).

I was not aware that Californians voted on this question.

Could you please tell me when Californians voted to allow same sex 

> and now a bunch of religious fundies want to put an amendment 
> in the California constitution banning it.  That is essentially a 
> towards destroying equality and taking away given rights from a 
> What harm is there in allowing gays to marry anyway! 
> It is pretty much a given that Obama will win this state and I also 
> believe he'll win the country but if Prop 8 passes then you'll see 
> of a different kind in California.  You'll see unnecessary pain 
> given to people who genuinely love each other and exercised their 
> to marry in this state.  Is everyone else getting as tired as I am 
of a 
> small group of religious fundamentalists pushing their stinking 
> beliefs on the public?  ( Of course I know I'm preaching to the 
choir here).

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