For Prop 8 to win would begin a long slippery slope towards taking away 
the rights of groups and individuals in the state.  We can't allow that.

I saw the trailer for Milk at the Changeling showing the other night 
(funny how all the trailers were aimed at an older demographic given 
what else plays at the theater).   It looks to be a good film.  Maybe we 
should all chip in and get a ticket for Shemp.  :-D

Stu wrote:
> Prop 8 is just more hate from the Mormons and other fundys who are
> sponsoring the bill.  What a pox on the consciousness of Californians
> if this thing passes.
> This weekend I got to see the new Sean Penn, Gus Van Sant film, Milk.
>  What a great movie.  It managed to show grass roots activism, and the
> anti gay mentality of 70's really well.  Remember Anita Bryant?  I was
> living in San Francisco at the time and the movie really captured the
> period.
> Entertaining and powerful.
> s.
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm not gay but I am sure voting AGAINST Proposition 8 here in 
>> California.  A few years back Californians voted to allow same sex 
>> marriage and now a bunch of religious fundies want to put an amendment 
>> in the California constitution banning it.  That is essentially a step 
>> towards destroying equality and taking away given rights from a group.  
>> What harm is there in allowing gays to marry anyway! 
>> It is pretty much a given that Obama will win this state and I also 
>> believe he'll win the country but if Prop 8 passes then you'll see
> riots 
>> of a different kind in California.  You'll see unnecessary pain being 
>> given to people who genuinely love each other and exercised their right 
>> to marry in this state.  Is everyone else getting as tired as I am of a 
>> small group of religious fundamentalists pushing their stinking
> outdated 
>> beliefs on the public?  ( Of course I know I'm preaching to the
> choir here).

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