--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> off_world_beings wrote:
> > Did anyone else here used to think what an asshole Kaplan was flying
> > 10 million dollar private jet around Fairfield?
> >
> > I mean,  I have no problem with someone being rich, but to be such
> > asshole about it and ridiculously egocentric as to think he needs a
> > jet to be important. I thought he was an asshole then for that, but
> > don't believe he is totally because I met him one on one a couple of
> > times and we had good talks. I liked him. But what possesses people
> > this arrogant level of self-importance and pollution of the
> > that so often happens?
> > Where is Earl now anyways? Does he still hate Maharishi?
> > How is his golf resort in North Carolina?
> > And why doesn't he just go ahead and give that mansion I helped put
> > best finishing touches in FF to MUM, and get over his pathetic ego.
> >
> > OffWorld prediction : He will donate it to the TMO within 5 years.
> > (offworld has not been wrong on any prediction given  on FFl , and
> > the first to show outright support for Obama of anyone on FFL -- a
> > that I know half of you cannot stomach .... yet you know it is a
> > and are too cowardly to acknolwdge it....Ha ha ha....OffWorld fukin'
> > PWNS FFL ! )
> >
> > OffWorld
> He probably just thought it would be nice to have a private jet and
> since he had the money he got one.  You must not have spent much time
> around the wealthy or watched anyone go from average income to
> I once kidded the founder of the company I worked for that now he was
> millionaire he would now become a Republican.  You should have seen
> glare he gave me. :-D
> If you want someone who is really arrogant, out here we have Larry
> Ellison who IS a real asshole.  He went on a spate with San Jose as he
> wanted to land his private jet anytime even if it was in the middle of
> the night.>>

Yes they are all over the place. My post was more about the arrogance of
such a high carbon footprint. It is destryoying the planet, affecting
everyone one of us directly. That was the point of my post, but some
people on FFL seem completely oblivious to environmental issues. That is
the reason I used to think Kaplan was an asshole flying around in a
private jet not because it is fancy, but because of the pollution and
noise pollution. I think people who do  that needlessly are ignorant and
that ignorance stems from arrogance. I have thought this for 40 years
and I will think this until I die, no matter how rich I get.


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