--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "curtisdeltablues"

> Glad you showed us what an asshole Kaplan was for flying in his own
> plane...

I apologize to everyone on FFL for my post about the carbon footprint of
flying around in your own jet (no Curtis, he didn't fly it, he had a
pilot you idiot.)

I did not realise how dumb BabyBoomers on FFL, such as Curtis, Sal,
Peter, Shemp, Richard are. It was my mistake. To me the obvious point
(as it is something I have considered an ignorant and arrogant pollution
and destruction of nature for a long tie, I just assumed that most
people would realize what I was talking about. It is in context of the
news stories of the day about Detroit car company execs. The point to me
is not how much miney they spend, but the carbon footprint that will
destroy the atmosphere if it is not kept in check. To me this was the
obvious topic of the post, but I apologize for not realizing how dumb
Shemp, Curtis, Sal, Peter, Shemp, Richard, and others were. My bad.

I'm not going to discuss anything with dumbass baby boomers anymore. I
am serious when I say there seems to be a disconnect in the brain
amongst the generation 10 to 20 years older than me. it is incredible to
me that environmental point was not picked up on by many here. OIt was
so obvious to anyone with more than half a brain (I can understand it
from Shemp, since he is so bitter about loosing the election and that
his Neocon heros are going down in history as the worst administration
of all time)

So adios. What a bunch of ignorant baby boomers. Its not worth
discussing anythin with yo because your brains are limited. No really.
Your generation seems to have had a poison in them that killed any real
intelligence or vision. It is clear to me now.

I predict within 3 months you'll all be having a huge discussion about
how you all think private jets and other jets are such an outrage, and
you have been against them for decades. Lol, you'll still be arguing
over shit years from now.


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