--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "curtisdeltablues"
> > National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
> > National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
> > National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
> >
> > Only closet racists would not be comfortable with the words 'colored
> > people' . I am sure you are not a racist Curt, therefore I will
> accept> an apology when you give it.
> > (Shemp on the other hand....)
> So by your reasoning the United Negro College Fund gives us the right
> to call black people "negroes?"
> You know I hear a lot of rap that uses the N word, maybe that is OK

You are out of touch Curtis, most people under 45 years old are way past
all this. I have literally heard black people call white friends of
theirs 'nigger' and white people call black friends of theirs 'nigger'
back, and they just have a laugh.

I know you and Shemp and Peter want to cling to your redneck world, but
that world is over.

You are TOTALLY CORRECT though....it is all about context relevant. I am
British, and in that context there is no racism in it. It only has
racism in it to old white guys and closet racists.

These are the facts. You need to get over yourself as an arrogant
American with your head up your ass.

You are not man enough to apologize to me for slamming me as a racist
for using the words 'colored people' which I still maintain is more
acceptable than 'Black" or 'African American' and only closet racists
would use the latter terms. 'Colored folks is totally innoffensive.


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