--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "curtisdeltablues"
> > Not until you apologize for killing my great great great
> grandfather, in> a land grab by your slave driving forefathers.
> I'm not sure which side my English ancestors fought on but my Irish
> and French ones weren't here yet.
> The British Empire...are you sure you really want to get on a high
> horse about how American's have treated people Off?  >>

Its not nationalism asshole, its anti-slavery-ism.
But as an American with his head up his ass about his own history you
couldn't see that could you.
Like I said, people on FFL are incredibly stupid. Now go back and read
the post I made to Peter about how slavery was outlawed in Britain
before your country even existed.

By the way,  a lot of the oppression you tag to the British Empire is
largely your own propoganda that you swallowed. The Great Iroquios
Nations sided with the British in your War of Indeopendance because the
British treated them fairly and equally, whereas your founding fathers
treated them like animals. Most of the native Americans in US fled to
British Canada for protection from your violent and oppressive founders.
That is why there are more Iroquios in Ontario than anywhere else, and
they are all immigrants from that time. Blacks fled en-masse from your
oppressive founders to British Canada in the time of your War of
Independance or to join the British in the fight against your violent
despotic slave driving foiunders. The Gurkas of India are still to this
day Loyal fighters to the British because the British treated them

You are totally ignorant of history Curtis. Like I said, people on FFL
are incredibly stupid.

Its pathetic.


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