--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...$41.79 a barrel as of this posting:
> http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/commodities/energyprices.html
> This is the upside of the whole bailout/economic meltdown phenomenon.
> We might as well put our attention on something positive.>>

Lol, where's your redneck buddy Chuck Norris now Shemp?  He was ready to
shoot people a couple of months ago, when him and Willytex's gas
guzzling, child poisoning, life hating, monstor trucks, needed gas at $4
a gallon. Your buddies were complaining like the spoilt brats they are,
saying the high prices were all the "dirty liberals" fault, and "" Drill
NOW and POISON the EARTH so that I can drive half a mile to buy my cheap
shit wonderloaf bread. ! ""

Chuck Norris not blaming the low oil prices on the Democrats now is he ?

Shemp. A couple of months ago you were blaming high prices on liberals.
I guess now you will have to blame them for the low prices too.


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