[ This post is pure opinion. If you have a different
one, post it. Don't waste energy trying to get a
reactive response from this opinion holder. ]

OK, here's what this latest Israeli outrage looks 
like to me. It looks as if the Israeli leadership
is panicky because the Old Guard has lost both
power and credibility in the U.S., and a bunch of
New People With Unknown Priorities are coming in
and they are incredibly worried about what those
Unknown Priorities might be.

The Old Guard was dependable. They were neocons
and Christian fundies who wanted, more than anything
else, for the conflict between Israel and other Arab
nations to continue. The neocons wanted this because
the conflict kept putting money in their pockets 
from kickbacks they got from defense contractors.
The fundies wanted it to continue because they fer-
vently hope for the End Days, and think that Israel
is the key to bringing them about. All of this meant
lots and lots and lots of U.S. money and weapons
being poured into Israel, and a continuation of the
status quo.

Now comes this schwarze, and we don't know what he
will do with regard to the status quo. So. What to do?

Well, one thing we could do is to mount an unconscion-
ably massive attack on the Gaza strip, kill hundreds
if not thousands of people, and claim that it was
"justified" because some rockets that killed no one
in Israel were fired from that territory.

Yeah, that's the ticket. It's win-win for Israel. 
While the attacks are going on, we get to cripple
Hamas and kill a lot of its leaders. But that's just
the minor payoff, a kind of side benefit. The *main*
benefit is going to be the reaction of the Arab world
in the next few months. 

They're going to be outraged (as was our intention)
and mount a series of "reprisal" attacks against Israel.
Sure, these reprisals are going to kill a bunch of our
own citizens, but that's a small price to pay for being
able to pretend to be the victims of these attacks
during the first few months of the Obama administration.

We can play the Victim Card again and claim that
the Arabs all hate us, and try to shape Yet Another
American Administration into being a tool of Israel.
Obama won't want to spend his first few months in
office disappointing all the status quo voters who
have blindly supported Israel all these years, so
he'll have to "fall in line" and blindly support us
the way his predecessors have.

And the whole time we can sit back and play the Victim
Card and say, "Hey, *we* are not the ones doing this.
See...it's this Hamas suicide bomber over here and
this Palestinian attack squad over there. They're the
*real* culprits in all of this."

And if someone in the press dares to point out that
we started "all this," we can just play the AntiSemitism
Card against the people saying it. It's worked on the 
stupid American public for 60 years now, so there's no 
reason to believe it won't work again.

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