On Dec 28, 2008, at 5:06 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> OK, here's what this latest Israeli outrage looks
> like to me. It looks as if the Israeli leadership
> is panicky because the Old Guard has lost both
> power and credibility in the U.S., and a bunch of
> New People With Unknown Priorities are coming in
> and they are incredibly worried about what those
> Unknown Priorities might be.
> The Old Guard was dependable. They were neocons
> and Christian fundies who wanted, more than anything
> else, for the conflict between Israel and other Arab
> nations to continue. The neocons wanted this because
> the conflict kept putting money in their pockets
> from kickbacks they got from defense contractors.
> The fundies wanted it to continue because they fer-
> vently hope for the End Days, and think that Israel
> is the key to bringing them about. All of this meant
> lots and lots and lots of U.S. money and weapons
> being poured into Israel, and a continuation of the
> status quo.

It's unbelievable, isn't it? Destruction and mindless defending the
indefensible seems to be all Israel has left to offer.  Like
the neocons.


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