you forgot to mention that Hamas are a bunch of peace loving angels 
that would never hurt anyone in any way.........

 --- In, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> 
> What we are witnessing in Israel's deadly attack on Gaza today is
> really at the intersection of many different things.
> First, it is a particularly deadly campaign stunt. Israel's current
> government is led by the Kadima party. Kadima started out as the
> personal political vehicle of Ariel Sharon. 
> Sharon was known as the Butcher of Beirut and was a notable hawk in
> Israeli politics. He eventually came to the view that the best way 
> deal with the Palestinians was to wall them off from Israel and to
> forget about them. This walling off process necessarily entailed
> taking a fair amount of what little land remained to the 
> It says a lot about America's political elites and media that they
> considered these views not only moderate and reasonable but clear
> evidence that Sharon was a man of peace. It says even more about
> Israeli politics that Sharon's plan was criticized by his country's 
> This brings up my second point. Although it is hard to imagine,
> Israel's political leaders are even more intellectually and morally
> bankrupt than our own. After Sharon had a brain hemorrhage, most of
> Kadima's raison d'ĂȘtre disappeared but such was the dearth of
> leadership that it continued on as the principal party in Israeli
> politics. 
> Sharon was replaced by Ehud Olmert. It was he who decided to 
> the disastrous bombing campaign and invasion of Lebanon in July-
> 2006, which devastated that country to no purpose and led to 
> strategic and embarrassing defeat by Hezbollah. 
> Yet despite widespread charges of incompetence, the absence of any
> saner alternative to Olmert allowed him to hold on to power for two
> more years until a long simmering corruption scandal finally brought
> him down. 
> With elections approaching, Kadima's principal rival was Likud's
> Benjamin Netanyahu, a well dressed Israeli fascist. As for the Labor
> party, it is largely a spent force and was further weakened by its
> participation in inept coalition governments with Kadima.
> Israel's right which makes up most of the country's political 
> is a strange and deeply unsettling place seldom visited by American
> politicians and media precisely because of the great ugliness that
> resides there. 
> It has a religious component which begins somewhere around Sarah 
> and goes to places that we would think they were kidding except they
> are not. 
> It also has a neocon wing. Even Labor which is often thought of
> (mistakenly) as left of center on national security issues is filled
> with them. Those in Kadima are, as Sharon was, even harder line. 
> And then there is Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu even beyond them.
> Netanyahu does not see Palestinians as people but as enemies. He is
> not interested in peace but in defeating those he sees as his 
> His is a vision of endless war because the alternative for him would
> be to actually acknowledge the rights of the Palestinian people but
> these he sees as an existential threat and is completely unwilling 
> address them. 
> With Netanyahu in power the likelihood of an Israeli attack on Iran
> would greatly increase as well. Since conventional forces would be
> ineffective, there is a real risk that such a strike would be 
> in nature. Now this may sound crazy, and it is, but as I said before
> this is the nitty gritty of Israeli politics that our politicians 
> media refuse to look at because it would be hard to defend even for 
> Kadima killed 155 Palestinians today to show to potential Likud 
> that they can be just as tough on the Palestinians as Likud. 
> This wasn't a military strike about some inaccurate and largely
> ineffective missiles. It wasn't even about Hamas and its control of
> Gaza. This was, in fact, a murderous form of political advertizing 
> electioneering.
> Third, this brutal and unnecessary attack raises larger issues. 
> are always larger issues. The US financial meltdown as well as 
> from the Madoff scandal will hamper traditional financial support 
> Israel by Jewish Americans. Israel's own economy will likely be hit
> hard by the global recession. 
> Given the kneejerk backing by our political elites, Israel should
> still receive its current support from the US government but this 
> be insufficient to make up for the shortfalls in other areas. Less
> money means that divisions within Israeli society are likely to
> increase as various groups try to hold on to their pieces of a
> shrinking pie. 
> One of the principal ways Israelis have managed to avoid dealing 
> the issue of Palestine is because they have been largely insulated
> from the consequences of their policies there. They have lived in a
> bubble of prosperity. With the world recession this will become
> increasingly difficult for them to do.
> Today's attack also shows just how worthless Bush and Condoleezza
> Rice's policies with regard to Israel-Palestine have been. I have
> chronicled for years Rice's ridiculous and absurd announcements on
> talks for talks about talks to begin discussions leading to the
> creation of a framework to begin talks on by this point who knows or
> cares. 
> As for Bush his interest and effectiveness was made manifest in the
> November 2007 Annapolis peace conference. It lasted all of a day. 
> showed up briefly to give a speech and even after being President 
> 7 years still managed to mispronounce both the names of Olmert (Ehud
> Elmo) and Mahmoud Abbas (Mahoomed Abbas). The problem is that our
> policies will remain heavily skewed toward Israel. 
> Despite Israel having 200 nuclear weapons, Obama, Biden, and Clinton
> have repeated their determination for the US to defend a country 
> can defend itself. 
> This is underlined by Obama's Middle East adviser Dennis Ross. Ross 
> a Jewish American neocon with strong ties to both Israel and its
> lobbies in this country. It would be hard to imagine someone less 
> handed than he. But that is another blind spot of our elites. They
> think he is. Yet can anyone imagine a similar acceptance of a
> Palestinian American if one held a similar position with Obama? 
> This lack of balance has led along with Iraq to a loss of 
> loss of prestige, and general failure of policy in the region. The
> Israeli attack on Gaza was just another example of this.
> Finally, Israel's attack today shows again that the two state 
> is dead. Israel is in a classic colonizer's paradox. 
> It would like to put in place a political and security structure in
> the territories it occupies, that it can deal with on its terms. But
> for any political leaders and security forces to have any legitimacy
> in the eyes of the subject population, they must be willing to 
> the colonizer. As a result, the colonizing country always ends up
> destroying genuine homegrown leadership and is left with either a
> group of collaborationists with no credibility or an increasingly
> radicalized opposition --as each succeeding group of leaders is done
> away with. 
> Yet Israel has persisted in replaying this paradox over and over 
> for decades. It has steadfastly refused to allow any distinct
> leadership to form in the Territories.
> At the same time, it is unclear if the Territories ever could have
> been economically and politically viable on their own but it is
> evident today that they are basket cases and that their viability is
> now impossible. 
> Beyond this are the demographics. Israel is effectively 
> a huge and growing fraction of the population that lives on the land
> it controls. It has been doing so for 40 years but at some point the
> apparatus of that prison system will become too expensive or too
> shameful to maintain and it will collapse. 
> Pressures on this system will only increase with the worldwide
> economic downturn, the relative drying up of American aid, and the
> sheer number and wants of Israel's subject population. Israel like 
> own state is based on a fatally flawed premise. As we found out in 
> own history, we could not exist half slave and half free. Nor can
> they, half prisoner and half citizen. 
> At some point, Israel will have to come to terms with itself and 
> will include the acceptance of the fact that the Palestinians of the
> Territories are Israelis too. I do not expect this to be easy or
> painless, but, as the fairy tale of the two state solution fades in
> the light of reality, it will be this or a charnel house.
> By Hugh, Oxdown Gazzette, Saturday December 27

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