On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 5:27 PM, shempmcgurk <shempmcg...@netscape.net> wrote:
> I learned something new today.
> I didn't know that there was a country called "Palestine" in 1946!

Whenever I go to the Muslim Middle East, I take with me Leon Uris's
book The Haj.  It's his answer to Exodus.  A very good read and very
informative.  The book helps me put the whole Philistine (as the
Palestinians are called) issue in perspective.  There were two sets of
shit stirrers in the Middle East.  One was of course the Jews.  The
other where the Muslim states (the very ones we kiss up to or give the
2nd largest amount of US foreign aide to), who refused to take the
refugees in from Palestine.  The Palestinians were just off the desert
from being a nomadic people.  They could have easily settled in and
become Saudis, Jordanians, Turks or Egyptians if they were allowed to.
 The Jews really did want to create a place where Jews and Muslims
could live side by side in peace and prosperity but the Saudis would
have none of that.  The House of Saud wanted things to be and remain
as unsettled as they are now because, well, because they hated the

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