--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > What he seems to be doing is claiming AFTER THE 
> > that he "knew" that my friend's medical condition
> > was that she was pregnant.
> > 
> > I think that's total bullshit. 
> Barry, I thought your initial challenge to John's Jyotish abilities
> was a set up for a smack down. You recovered some credibility when 
> offered a blind test, but I was still skeptical you might pull a 
> one by posting the Jyotish of one of your dogs. Sorry for doubting
> you, but we haven't been on friendly terms from the git-go. I admire
> your writing abilities minus the nasty crap and that's the best
> compliment I can muster for today. 
> I'd like to see another Jyotish test that has fairness and integrity
> on both sides of the challenge. Yes, John dropped the ball while
> protecting his own, but he was understandably suspicious of knives 
> the ready. Jyotish has been around for a long time, you'd think it
> would have been tested plenty already. I really want to know if it's
> any better than reading tea leaves or Tarot.

Hey, RaunchD

Barry has just confirmed in more explicit words what he thought of my 
comment to do.reflex in his private email to me.  I was rather 
surprised that he reacted with such venom in his last post.  It is 
revealing as to how much his animosity can reach when anyone mentions 
anything about vedic sciences or any gurus from that tradition.

Nonetheless, there is story in the Shrimad Bhagavatam that 
essentially states that one's hatred for anyone or subject is really 
proportionate to how much that person thinks about the other person 
or subject.  Thus, in the end, the hater merges with the object of 


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