--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB 
<no_re...@...> wrote:
> Since it appears that JohnR is not going to 
> respond to my challenge with his analysis of
> my friend's medical condition as indicated in
> her Jyotish chart

Barry posted this only a little over 24 hours since 
he first proposed the test. And he said he'd wait 
until 7:00 p.m. EST to post the "answer." For all he 
knew, John was busy working on it, planning to post 
his results by Barry's original deadline.

, and I want to finish up my
> participation in all existing threads on FFL
> before the new year starts, I will post the 
> answer. 
> ( It goes without saying that any subsequent 
> attempts by JohnR or any other Jyotishi to 
> say, "Oh, I saw that in the chart, but I was 
> just late in posting my response" should be 
> greeted with howls of derisive laughter. :-)

One is led to wonder whether Barry jumped the gun in
posting his "answer" because he hoped to preclude any
possibility of John getting it right *without* the
answer being available. He set John up by giving him
one deadline, then didn't honor it himself. Typical.

> Below is the text I sent to the FFL moderators.
> The only thing I changed in it was to delete
> my friend's last name (for privacy

For privacy? My, my. Barry spends a good part of the
rest of his post (as well as a previous one) accusing 
me of mentioning privacy as "a bogus straw man" that 
I brought up only to "demonize" him, and makes much 
jolly ha-ha over how he fooled us into thinking there 
*was* a privacy issue.

But here he himself acknowledges there is, in fact, a
privacy issue.

> Similarly, when Judy and Raunchydog accused me 
> of violating my friend's privacy by making her 
> medical condition public

Barry's lying; neither of us ever accused him of 
violating his friend's privacy. I *asked* if he had 
her permission, to no response except an evasive and 
deceptive one; raunchy simply pointed out that *if* 
he had done so, he might be vulnerable to a lawsuit.

> they were *looking for things to demonize me with*

Actually, I was concerned about Barry's friend's 
privacy (just as he has now acknowledged he is).

> and projecting them onto the situation in the
> form of the bogus "privacy" straw man.

The possibility that Barry was violating his friend's 
privacy is hardly a straw man. Barry himself clearly
realized this after I pointed it out, and decided not
to reveal her name after all.

 Please join me in laughing 
> at their attempts to portray me as a Bad Guy for 
> violating my friend's "medical privacy." It's 
> hard to *miss* the medical condition of someone 
> who is eight and a half months pregnant; keeping 
> it private is just not an option unless you are
> wearing a tent. :-)

More evidence of Barry's dishonesty. Not only was our 
concern entirely justified before we knew she wasn't
ill, it's *still* justified. That she can't hide her
late pregnancy from those who can *see* her doesn't
mean she's willing to have it announced, along with
her name, on a public forum. There are many possible
reasons why a woman wouldn't want to spread the news
of her pregnancy far and wide.

> As noted 
> above, the only thing in it I have changed is to 
> delete my friend's last name out of concern that 
> one or more TBs here would start stalking her the 
> same way that they stalk me and Vaj and Paul Mason 
> and John Knapp and others who have dared to be 
> critical of TM or its ludicrous "extra added cost" 
> products like Jyotish.

And Barry bashes me for "insinuating"! Just how thick
can he layer on the hypocrisy?

Nobody would have "stalked" her, of course. She has
no involvement in this at all. That's a ridiculously
paranoid notion, and Barry knows it. He came up with
it in an attempt to cover up the reason he really
deleted her name: because he belatedly realized it
would be an invasion of her privacy to post it, just
as I pointed out.

I shouldn't have *had* to point it out, but once I 
had, the appropriate response from Barry would have 
been, "Yes, you're right; OK, I won't post her name."

Instead, he tried to turn it into a weapon to bash me 
with. That's how much integrity Barry has.

Oh, and by the way, we know now that he *didn't* have
her permission to post her data with her name 
attached, despite his attempt to make it seem as 
though he had. (I'd be willing to bet a large sum 
that she doesn't know what he's doing even now.)

> I still think that this would have been an 
> interesting test, if JohnR had had the cojones to 
> respond to it. But he didn't.

Actually, for all Barry knew when he wrote this, it
might well have been because Barry didn't give John
the time to respond to it, moving up his deadline by
almost six hours without even warning John he was
doing so.

 I think that speaks for itself
> about the depth of *his* belief in the accuracy and
> efficacy of Jyotish.

It may speak a lot more powerfully about Barry's fear
that John might have gotten it right.

> But the interesting test that DID take place was 
> how a few TM True Believers here responded to the 
> idea of Jyotish being put to the test. If John's
> lack of a response speaks volumes, theirs fills
> libraries.

It's Barry's thoroughly, many-times-over dishonest 
response to our response that would fill libraries.

It would be an interesting test, one I'd support,
if the person conducting it were trustworthy, even
if a strong skeptic and a TM critic--Curtis, for

The reason we objected to this one, as Barry knows,
is because he's not to be trusted; he's proved
himself a chronic liar hundreds of times over, and
proved it again with all the lies he's spewed in
connection with the test.

> As I understand Jyotish, *if it works* John should 
> have no problem with noticing this medical 
> condition  in her chart

According to Bhairitu, it's not that easy. It's
certainly not said to be easy in Western astrology.

Oh, and one more thing to point out that's been
overlooked: Barry's proposal, true to form, was
deliberately misleading. Yes, pregnancy is a
"medical condition," but we had been talking about
detecting illness. An astrologer searching for
signs of an illness might well completely overlook
indicators of pregnancy. Barry hoped that would be
enough to throw John off.

In retrospect, I strongly suspect John sensed that
there was deception involved and refused to allow
himself to be played. Could be what Nabby and ed11
and raunchy and I sensed too, without realizing
what the specifics were.

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