TurquoiseB wrote:
> It really makes one want to believe in karma,
> and that at some point all of his will come
> back to him.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vTFesgMkzk
> No wonder he bought property in Paraguay. It
> may turn out that the only way he can live
> out the rest of his life without being dragged
> out of his hideyhole and lynched by angry mobs
> is to be in another country, surrounded by 
> paid mercenaries.
You can get away with saying that  being in another country but if we 
say that in the US the gestapo will come knocking.  Here in the US the 
latest debate between liberals is whether Congress should go after the 
crimes of the Bush administration or not.  Apparently a vast number of 
liberals think that Congress can only do one thing at a time even though 
during the Clinton hearings they were still enacting other legislation.  
I am certainly opposed to letting BushCo getting away with the crimes of 
the past 8 years and I think Congress can both dealing with some 
legislation to help the economy (if that is at all possible) and with 
investigations and tribunals on Bush crimes.   I am just as amazed at 
how superficial so many liberals are as I am how superficial so many 
conservatives are.  Like Chomsky once said 80% of the US population is 

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