On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Vaj <vajradh...@earthlink.net> wrote:

>  Thanks for taking the time to openly respond to this question. Your
> openness *is* appreciated.
> On Jan 28, 2009, at 3:12 PM, I am the eternal wrote:
> What's expected is that you'll relate a #1 (Unity or beyond) experience.
> In the two domes, these experiences take the form of describing, with lots
> of heart, experiences that have to do with loss of self, with experiencing
> The Self, with experiences of infinity, bliss in every direction and in
> every thing.  Each experience in the two domes is quite unique, stated in
> the idiom of the experiencer.  The sidhi administrators read the experiences
> and make <<<SUGGESTIONS>>> about what to leave in, what to leave out before
> the experience is read.
> So they make editorial suggestions? Why? I'm sorry, but that seems odd.
> "Edited experiences, movement approved?" This *doesn't* mean there is a
> script (of acceptable or not acceptable)? If the experiences are turned
> down, one would have to be *on the (unspoken) script* to get a mention
> wouldn't they?

The experience has to fit in with Maharishi's teachings and not be
conjecture.  I had a number of sentences struck out because, according to
Doug B, the experiences could not be verified.

> Perhaps I'm missing something.

Yes.  You are.  There are improper experiences and proper experiences.  The
sidhi admin just want to make sure you're reporting a proper experience.

> I have no idea what the THMD/THP feel about the experiences in the domes.
> In the domes the reaction to the THMD/THP experiences is "bullshit".  Why
> does it take all of these special buzz words to describe an experience?  Why
> further is it necessary to seemingly continue on with one of Maharishi's
> last lectures with show and tell or a lab demonstration?
> Good question. You're closer to the source so I'll have to defer to your
> impressions!

My, our impression is that THMD and THP want to impress Maharishi.  The
people in the domes want to share their experiences with the other people in
the domes.

> Bevin and Hagelin give first preference to THMD/THP experiences and if
> there are none then experiences in the domes can be read.
> Oh that's just too funny. It's not easy being king.
Well, you have to realize that the unwashed huddled masses don't report
experiences which fit in that easily with what Bevin and Hagelin want to
talk about, which is a rehash of what Maharishi said.  So of course THP and
THMD experiences count more because you can catch more of Maharishi's more
recent teachings in the experiences.  God knows no one wants to be caught
dead living out /last year's experiences/.

There's an old cartoon of the Wizard of Id where an aid runs up to the
little king and exclaims "Sire, the peasants are revolting".  The little
king replies "Yes, they are.  But they pay the taxes."  That's my take on
having been perpetually one of the unwashed huddled masses during my entire
career.  First the initiators lorded over us.  Then the sidhas (governors
only).  Then it was Vedic Atom, THMD and THP.  Now it's all of the above
plus the people with the Burger King hats.

Thank God we are the salt of the earth.

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