On Jan 30, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

I’m thinking of upgrading my computer, as it is often way too slow for my liking. I need to work with a lot of different applications, and often have many open at once. This computer doesn’t multi-task well. Apps often bog each other down, such that everything runs slowly. MS Outlook is one of the biggest culprits. It takes an unbelievably long time to check email, it’s hard to use Outlook while it’s being checked, and other applications are compromised during the process. If there’s a background process happening, such as a backup or virus scan, the computer becomes very sluggish, so I schedule such things at night. It takes 20 minutes to fully boot this puppy. A consultant came over and turned some things off, which sped it up a little, but it’s still too slow for my taste.

I’m thinking of getting this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9174289&type=product&id=1218044029789 .
·         Do you think I’d notice a big improvement?

Rick, I was wondering if maybe computers with HDs that
big aren't always going to be much slower.  I don't know,
it just seems so huge.  What have others experienced?

And yeah, 20 minutes to boot up sounds crazy.


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