On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Rick Archer wrote:
> I use Acronis True Image on my XP Pro machine.  Everything else I use
> the free System Rescue CD which is a lean bootable version of Linux that
> can backup drives (it can also backup NTFS drives).  However the latter
> is still fairly geeky.  I just wrote the instructions on my CD to
> refresh my mind how it works.  I backup to a 500 GB Buffalo external drive.
> http://www.acronis.com/
> http://www.sysresccd.org/

I use Acronis True Image on my fleet of XP Pro machines.  I've used it
to re-image a PC with a failed hard drive more than once.  What I find
truly amazing about True Image is that it appears to create this
cryptic .tb image file.  Fact is, the .tb image file isn't cyptic at
all if you have True Image installed.  The .tb file type is easily
opened with True Image and pretty much looks like just another volume,
though of course because the Windoze registry is all over the place
you can't run any of the applications in it.  But if you want to go
back and find some old documents, well just open up the old .tb and
there they are.  Now if only you didn't have to subvert Windoze in so
many ways just to boot up over a USB device...

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