On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:55 PM, BillyG. <wg...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I think MMY kind of felt the ends justified the means, and teaching a
> little Yoga in a simple manner would be more popular than teaching the
> complete Yoga as defined by Maharishi Patanjali. Unfortunately, this
> adulterated Patanjali's  teachings and left them somewhat diminished
> in their effectiveness.
> Perhaps MMY thought he could incorporate the other important limbs (or
> means) later when people would be more receptive.......who knows?

Is this groundhog day or deja vu all over again?

Maharishi stated very clearly in a Humboldt tape which was a favorite
residence course tape, which got repackaged with the MERU swan,
Packabel and the haughty announcement of "Courses for Citizens of the
Age of Enlightenment" that there had been a misinterpretation of
Patanjali, that there was an 8 fold path (actually 8 limbs to the
tree), and that the limbs weren't to be followed one at a time until
you got them all mastered.  Mastering one (he used 3 different
branches as examples) gets you mastery of all.  Pull one leg of a
table and the other legs come with it.

So whom are you going to believe?  Maharishi or Maharishi?

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