--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> (Too long a post follows)

Mine's shorter, but still a post. I'm trying
to "post out" early so I won't be tempted to
spend time here while Carnival is going on
in my town.

> The rest of the week can be filled watching some of the few TV 
> shows in HD I watch: BSG, Heroes, 24, Supernatural, Damages, 
> US of Tara, CSI, Burn Notice, etc.  I'm sure some folks have 
> some favorites that they think I'm missing but I'm pretty 
> particular.  

I don't know a few on your list so I'll look
into them. Like you, I have my priorities, so
I try not to watch any series I really don't
find benefit in. That said, I would add to my 
"watch faithfully" list Lie To Me, House, and, 
as a "guilty pleasure," The L Word. Every episode 
is full of some of the most shallow, backbiting, 
evil women in L.A., which specializes in those
sorts of women. On the other hand, they are
naked a lot. Priorities. :-)

I also watch Life On Mars US, but for similar
reasons as you mention below for watching 24.
It is a textbook example of What Not To Do If
You Are Remaking A Great British TV Show. Just
awful what they've done IMO. I don't understand
how Harvey Keitel can be a part of it. But I
watch it anyway, because I've seen the British
version twice and love it, and it's fascinating
to me what the American producers chose to cut
or change into something else.

> 24?  Well, it's like going to a film classs and having 
> a professor ask the class what was wrong with the scene 
> he just played.  Very badly written and almost hilarious.

I started watching it again after you mentioned
it recently, and for the same reason. It's almost
textbook. You can learn as much IMO from seeing
do things wrong as you can from seeing them do
them right.

> I kind of have a rule not to watch anymore than 2 to 3 hours a 
> night of TV. So I have to be selective.  

Although it may not seem that way given how often
I mention films here, I'm the same way. No more
than 3 hours a day, and it usually works out to
doing that only 3-4 days a week. As much as it
pains me to say it, there *are* other things in
life besides movies. :-)

> There have been remakes of Asian films such as Bangkok 
> Dangerous which were originally R but redone as PG-13 and lose 
> something in the process (the Pang Brothers even did both versions).

I just downloaded (but haven't watched yet) a Thai
film I saw the trailer for on Timo's and just fell
in love with. It's called Chocolate, and is about
a young girl who is autistic, but who can learn how
to do anything by watching someone else do it. So
what does she watch on TV? Martial arts films. Then
something bad happens to her parents. I think you
can guess the rest. :-) But it just looked so
*sweet* on another level that I have to give it a
try. The girl is now in her teens or early twenties,
and still autistic. It's just that she can kick ass
when she has to, and the badasses who did something
bad to her parents have made her have to. 

> What we need is full blown VOD where anyone with content they 
> want to rent can make it available that way. 

I agree. I would pay for the films I watch if 
I had been provided with a way to do it.

Tonight I'm off to some friends' house to play
them the copy of the Dead Like Me Movie I just
downloaded. We were all big fans of the TV show,
and just can't wait to see what they've done
in the movie version.

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