Wow, that's a high horse you sit on and some mighty tough love.  You 
guys have children that you've raised of your own?  Been in a 
longterm marriage?  Just wondering where you're coming from (?)

--- In, I am the eternal 
<l.shad...@...> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:11 PM, bob_brigante 
> > --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Smoking pot makes ya lazy and stupid, that's why society has 
> > laws agin it (not that this alcohol-based society has a leg up on
> > stupidity). These kids threw away the opportunity to really expand
> > their consciousness through TM and, proving the point about how
> > stupid pot makes ya, used 100x the electricity an ordinary 
> > would use just so Sheriff John would get the message.
> >
> > I take no joy in seeing young people choose the wrong road in 
> > but make no mistake, that's what they did, now they and their
> > arrogant parents  will pay the price for the wrong path. Years 
> > now, if the fog clears from these kids' brains, they'll realize 
> > a blessing this bust was, before their ass got shot up in some 
> > deal gone bad, which is a common occurrence in NoCal drug 
> >
> >
> >
> > Bob
> >
> I absolutely agree.  The law is the law.  This men knew what the 
law was and
> what the penalties were for violating it.  No court has declared 
the laws
> these men will face unconstitutional because one interest or 
another caused
> the laws to be enacted or because one race tends to commit crimes 
> these laws or not.
> Now as far as the poor suffering parents, well these aren't kids.  
They are
> adults.  Adults who it appears had parents who didn't  do a good 
job of
> raising their kids.  But there's no reason to fault them on that.  
> have their own dharma/karma and they just happen to grow up in the 
house of
> their parents.

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