On Feb 20, 2009, at 4:33 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

You have posted before in support of ecstacy, so I'm not surprised of
your salute to pot. You stick with drugs, I'll stick with TM, and on
the day these bodies no longer function, I'm sure that your clear
mind on that day will see how much of a mistake drug use is.
Maharishi noted about drug users: Drug users are dumber than rocks --
a rock has the good grace to remain silent when it hears the truth,
but the drug user shakes his head no.

You stick with TM, Bob...how's that working out?
Having a fulfilling life?

Your views on MJ are about as intelligent and
well-thought out as your views were on the election,
namely, that too many whites were inherently
bigoted to vote for Obama, that all the polls
were wrong, and that there was no doubt
McCain would be our next Prez.

Well, I guess a few whites voted for him, didn't they?


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