--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yateendrajee" <mcint...@...> wrote:
> PDF's of old yearbooks are available at the MUM website. Might be
> helpful for group participants to point themselves out, and/or refresh
> their memories about classmates. I've been having a misty-eyed time
> looking at those dear people!
> http://www.mum.edu/yearbooks.html
> Cameron McIntosh
> Student '77-79
Fascinating to go through all of these. Isn't it interesting to note that the 
most fully 
realized yearbook is the first one.....one that I have around here somewhere. 
And then 
they get smaller and smaller. Very quickly it is determined that showing 
results of athletic 
competition is NOT the way to go.

The last yearbook shown is 2003-04. It's limp by any measure. Is that the last 
for MUM? I don't know.....I spent years in Switzerland in the 70's but was 
never much part 
of the MIU/MUM scene. I've never been to Fairfield even though I have some 
close friends 
who live there. I ran centers in the midwest back in the day, but never felt 
the urge to visit 
FF (until very recently strangely enough.)

It's a dumb question to those of you who live there, but what is the current 
scene at MUM?
Is MUM a slowly dying situation or is it growing and vibrant? I have no 
idea...and I should 
since people I care about are still there.

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