--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <boo_li...@...> wrote:
> People I know who "see auras" all say that anti-depressants are about
> the worst drug to take,

Surely you must be joking -- or attempting satire as others are in
this thread.

Ask your psychic friends what the aura of a sustained deeply depressed
person looks like. It must be deep black. And when they become quite
functional, when the darkness goes away,  when they feel "like
themselves" again -- by increased sustained serotonin levels, your
premise or sources say that the aura gets even darker than in deep
depression???!!! Again, you must be joking.

Ecstasy -- not recommending it casually -- but it also increases
serotonin levels -- via different mechanisms. Users are bathed in
love, good feeling, compassion and connectedness. Tell me, do your
psychic friends feel these qualities produce darkness and blackness in
the human aura? If so, maybe we/they need to recalibrate their ranking
of aura colors. What ever color an aura is when a person is full of
love and compassion -- thats a good color.

I read TMO and other spiritual orgs/practices have touted the
increased serotonin levels as a benefit of their practices. And that
higher serotonin levels correlated with greater consciousness. (They
said it, not me -- but I don't dispute it). So a substance that
increases sustained serotonin levels in individuals is a bad bad
thing? Again you must be joking.

Have you considered the validity of your psychic friends and their

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