--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> If he wasn't a coward, he'd answer the questions

OK, you just blew it.

This kills even my very lukewarm provisional support
for (or lack of opposition to) your questionnaire,
Edg. The notion that somebody is a "coward" if they
don't answer the questions is precisely what I tried
to convey in my previous post is completely
unacceptable, as far as I'm concerned.

> I've seen so many folks driven out of this place by
> the trolls and the mean spiteful folks who could
> care less about being gentle on a newbie that I
> think some sort of balancing could be achieve by
> giving newbies a primer on what to expect here.

Well, now they know they're to be considered
cowards if they don't fill out the questionnaire.

If I were the newbie, I'd turn tail and run to find a
more congenial setting so fast it would make your
head swim.

>From your post to me:

> Do you have questions on the list that you are
> uncomfortable with answering for us here -- even
> now when we know you so well in so many ways?

And now I know the tone of your question was a

No, I wouldn't be uncomfortable answering any of
the questions. But I'm damned if I'm going to do
so in order to keep you from calling me a coward.

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