TurquoiseB wrote:
> A boy loves his dog... 
Leave it to Vaj and Turq to completely miss 
the real meaning of the myth, namely, that 
the Kukkuripa went into the cave to meditate 
- that's the point. It really isn't just a 
story about a boy and his dog.

And of course the 'Paradise of the Dakinis' 
isn't heaven - there are no enlightened sages 
in Brahma's 'Heaven of the thirty-three'. 

Siddhas do not aspire to get into heaven - 
siddhas are immortal and aspire to go to 
Siddhaloka, the 'other shore' of the 

What's overlooked by the Vaj and the Turq 
is that the Mahasiddhas all practiced a 
meditation that is transcendental, just like
we TMers practice. These two don't want to 
admit this, but all the tantriks sidhas 
were transcendentalists.

19. Intone a sound audibly, then less and 
less audible as feeling deepens into this 
silent harmony. - Bairava Tantra

"It was the Mahasiddhas who instituted the 
practices that birthed the Inner Tantras 
of Dzogchen practiced by the Nyingma school 
of Tibetan Buddhism. The other schools of 
Tibetan Buddhism and other Vajrayana 
Buddhists such as Shingon Buddhism practice 
Mahamudra meditation, also a practice 
initiated by the original Buddhist Mahasiddha."


According to Lama Govinda:

"While we are able to come to an understanding 
of relativity by way of reasoning, the 
experience of universality and completeness 
can be attained only when all conceptual 
thought, all word-thinking, has come to rest. 
The realization of the transcendent can come 
about only in the experience of meditative 
practice, through a transformation of our 

Work cited:

'Creative Meditation and Multi-dimensional 
by Lama Anagarika Govinda
Theosophical Publishing House, 1976
Author of 'Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism',
'Way of the White Clouds', etc. 

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
alt.meditation, alt.yoga
From: Willytex
Date: Sun, Nov 23 2003 10:43 am
Subject: Secrets of the Vajra World

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