You keep posting this definition, so the question arises ... WTF?

Metanoia did not originally signify any religious or theological ideas.
As a descriptive designation the word developed out of the juridical
function of kingship. That means that ordinary people, upon occasion,
were brought to the court of a sovereign ruler, who then pronounced
sentence upon their situation. This situation might be an accuasation
that they commited a crime. It might also be that they performed some
civic or virtuous activity that warranted special recognition and
reward. In either case, the person singled out fell to the floor or
ground (if the King's court was held outside) and in the direct presence
of the awesome king and courtiers, lost control of their limbs out of
either awe or fear. (To this day, we call the civic arena of juridical
debate and decision a "court" held at a "court house".)

This awe/aweful response latter became formalized into bowing to the
king/queen as a demonstrated act of submission or contrition.
As an act of contrition, it was labled "meta-noia", literally a change
in the nous (intellectus) of the contrite. Since the seat of
intellection (non-discursive knowing) was considered to be the "heart",
the biblical injuctive command - "metanoete!" - change your heart - was
the meaning inherent in the Hellenic biblical command. This change of
heart was the condition required for real penitance or genuine regret
for one's misdeeds in the presence of a king/queen and was the only
foundation for any hope for mercy rather than retribution.

"Metanoia", as an idea, gradually developed an expanded conotation
focused around the core idea of centering attention in one's own heart
(as in a change of heart) where a person's nous (intelligence) natually

This view became the basis of Egyptian desert monasticism in the 3-6th
C.E. and eventually led to the Eastern Orthodox monastic practice of 
"settling the mind into the heart" through the practice of the prayer of
the heart.

We might consider this "transcending the mind" but within the historical
context noted above. All the rest of these claims are nice thoughts but
in the end are unconfirmed speculations that flitter around an idea and
an actual practice that has been long developed.

However, no offence meant ... as Three-City Kirk would say.

--- In, "dhamiltony2k5"
<dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > > "Repent,"  is used in English
> > > > translations of the Gospels for the Greek word
> > > > "metanoia." But going back to the Greek, it turns
> > > > out that "metanoia" can also be understood to mean
> > > > "transcend" (beyond-mind).
> > >
> > >
> >  Absolutely,
> > >
> > >  ! Transcend ! you sinners.   You who so sin against your own
> > >  Nature repent your non-practice ways, go beyond the mind.
> > >
> >
> > The means of enlightenment are now everywhere in the enlightening
>world.  The time is upon all humankind now for a mass of instruction
>in the ways of repenting through science, through true >transcending.  
The time for ignorance is over.
> >
> Yes.  Transcending. Repenting, going beyond the mind, the means of
enlightenment seems are everywhere in the enlightened world.  In the
modern world, it's on Oprah.  It's on PBS Bill Moyers.  It's in the
outreach of transcendental centering prayers taught in method through so
many places of human nature worship otherwise.  Eckhardt Tolle books and
audio.  Is instructed through churches, in synagogues, at temples of all
kinds, even in some mosques.    In Buddhist & Zen centers everywhere. 
Yoga centers on every corner.  Also the transcendental relaxation
response in doctors offices.  Meditation seminars everywhere.  
Instructed generally as Quiet time meditation in some schools and in
colleges & universities public and private.   Quiet time now is coming
for everyone.  The hour is at hand where we shall see who shall repent
their non-meditation.  Transcendentalism is on the move.
> Om

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