"Nelson"  wrote:
>    People, not realizing their own power potential, have given most of it 
> away to various vampires and opportunists who gladly absorb it for their own 
> use, leaving the majority unable to function at anywhere near their possible 
> level.


As much as I agree with your statement, I have to ask, what would the world be 
like if everyone did NOT give away their power?  I have imagined up many a 
Utopian schema, and, frankly, none of them envisioned a population that had 
this skill of "being content to know what one knows and to take the opinions of 
others as 'remains to be proven.'"  Everyone, today, is looking to amplify 
their powers by giving it to some leader who then acts with a ton of power -- 
and thus the masses feel like they've somehow be "in on" the action.

Our culture is saturated to the bone with mechanisms that process the decisions 
of folks who give away their power.  Politics, medicine, religions, etc. can 
only exist if the group has decided that leaders are especially in-the-know, 
and the followers are willing to stop thinking about reality and, instead, let 
the leaders tell them what the truth is.

What would a culture be able to accomplish if leaders were not given such 

Therefore, I would augment your statement to be:

"People, not realizing their own power potential, have UNMINDFULLY given most 
of it away to various vampires and opportunists who gladly absorb it for their 
own use, leaving the majority unable to function at anywhere near their 
possible level.

If we taught "Conservation of Energy, Identification and Power 101" in 
elementary schools, it would make all the Dick Cheneys of the world stand out 
like nudists at a Baptist pot luck.  We do not educate our kids about the 
world's used-car-salesmen and how they are utterly practiced in their various 
ruses while we are inexperienced rubes who walk onto a lot and kick a tire and 
think we've analyzed a used car "enough."  

The rubes who start TM are those folks who haven't learned to keep their minds 
from leaping to conclusions based on faith in someone who is asserting 
"knowledge" that the rube has no background to judge the merits of.  

So, how does the world operate without the giving away of one's power?



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