Bhairitu wrote:
> It's just another fun day on FFL with the TM 
> Supremacists chasing their tails (or is it tales).
Yeah, I guess so.

"The bija mantra is used quite differently in outer 
and inner tantras than it is in TM and other 
Shinay-type meditations. They are not the same thing. 

One is the seed of manifestation of the deities mandala, 
another is simply an Ishta mantra commonly given to a 
householder to give them some spiritual benefits which 
are helpful in the worldly sense, while providing some
beginning on the path."

Read more:

From: Vaj 
Subject: Re: Where there is Light, there is no nescience
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Thurs, Oct 6 2005

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