an exquisite and delicious mind f*ck from the Master himself.

--- In, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> You forgot Maharishi's praise of Mugabe, Castro, etc. That's a juicy tidbit.
> From: []
> On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 10:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Wannabee TM Teacher Test
> Finally, for all of those out there in FFL-Land who
> (given their posting history) have always wanted to
> be considered the equal of TM Teachers and thus be 
> able to provide "the answers we have already prepared" 
> in reply to any question asked of them, here is a Pre-
> TM Teacher Training Course test for you. By taking 
> this test and passing it, you certify your status as 
> an "Almost TM Teacher," one able to parrot the "right" 
> answers almost as well as any real TM Teacher.
> By *refusing* to take it, and answer every question,
> you certify your status as a complete wuss and as a 
> despicable coward. That means you, Judy.
> Real TM Teachers, "recertified" or not, are also
> encourage to participate by taking the test. So are
> TM critics. It's an equal opportunity test. :-)
> *************************************************
> When answering the following questions, assume that
> the person you are speaking to is a 16-year-old girl,
> an intelligent one who is interested in learning TM
> in her school as part of the DLF initiative but who 
> has done a little Web surfing and is asking you to 
> clear up a few questions so that she can in turn
> clear them up with her parents so that they will 
> sign the permission slip she needs to partake in 
> the DLF "Quiet Time" program. She is looking to you 
> for honest answers.
> 1. My parents are quite conservative Christians. 
> They are concerned that I might be getting involved 
> in a different religion. Is TM based in religion?
> 2. How many mantras are there? I've read on the Web 
> that there are only a few and that they are given 
> out on the basis of age. Does that mean that all 
> of the kids in my class (who are all the same age 
> I am) are going to get the same mantra? 
> 3. Where do the mantras come from? I have read on the
> Web that in India they are considered either the 
> names of, the nicknames of, or invocations of sev-
> eral of the Hindu deities (gods and goddesses). Is 
> this correct?
> 4. What's up with this 'puja' thing? Again, on the Web
> I've read the translation of it, and it is *filled*
> with the names of Hindu deities. And, according to
> these Websites, at the end I am going to be asked
> to kneel. Does that mean that I am bowing to these
> deiites?
> 5. I looked at the website, and there is no 
> mention there of 'Rajas,' the people who (as I under-
> stand it) run the TM organization. On other Websites,
> and in fact on old versions of the website I
> found on the Internet Wayback Machine, there are LOTS
> of mentions of them, plus photos of them dressed up
> in long robes and gold crowns. What's up with this?
> Who are these people? And why does it look as if the
> Website has been "cleaned up" to remove all
> mention of them? For example, here is a photo of
> one of them, the 'Raja' in charge of America:
> 6. For that matter, if all of these 'Rajas' really DO
> run the TM organization, why aren't there any women
> among them? I'm a girl. Does that mean that I'm some
> kind of second-class citizen in the TM organization?
> 7. Similar to the deletion of any mention of the 'Rajas'
> on, there seems to have been a deletion of any 
> mention of 'pundits,' even though one can still
> find videos of them on the Web like this one:
> This is an official TM Website, right? So why have all
> mentions of these 'pundits' been removed from the main
> site? And what's up with their funny clothes and all
> sitting in neat little rows chanting Indian religious
> scriptures like that? Is this what you have in mind 
> for us during "Quiet Time?"
> 8. Did Maharishi *really* call Britain a "scorpion 
> nation" and forbid the teaching of TM there? Did he
> *really* say "Damn Democracy?" Did he *really* say that
> most of the capital cities of the world should be torn
> down and rebuilt from the ground up based on "rules" he
> found in ancient Indian scriptures? These things have
> all been said on the Websites I've visited, and they
> sound too outlandish to be true. What's the real story?
> 9. Another thing that seems to be missing from the 
> Website recently is any mention of "enlighten-
> ment." That used to be ALL OVER that Website. One site
> I found said that Maharishi used to promise enlighten-
> ment as a result of practicing the TM technique for as
> little as 5-8 years. If this is true, surely you can
> point me to some of the people who have been practicing
> TM for that period of time or longer, so that I can ask
> them what 'enlightenment' is like and whether I want 
> it, right? What are their names so I can contact them?
> 10. The Website used to talk about the TM-siddhis 
> program, and how one can take a course to learn how to 
> levitate. Now there is no mention of it. If I were inter-
> ested in such a course, is it still being given, and if 
> so, is the cost of it covered by the Lynch Foundation the 
> way that my initial TM instruction would be? If not, how 
> much is that course going to cost me?
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