--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <no_re...@...> wrote:

 I like how the TM-ex crowd have no reasoning arguments, but only
> laughable put-downs and sad little strawmen.    You are like the Neocons
> of the last few years. They are almost exactly the same. The TM-Ex'rs,
> and the Neocon Fox News nutcases cannot see the obvious. What is in
> front of their face. They thought McCain could actually win ! ! ! ---
> Lol !
> And now the TM-Ex crowd thinks their rantings will mean something to the
> real world. And just like Fox News, and the Republicans, the TM-ex crowd
> are finding themselves more and more irrelevant, and so their only
> recourse is to attack personally anyone that says anything, and call
> them 'radical' and 'stupid'.    The reason I like that the TM-ex crowd
> are flailing around like the irrelevant Fox News nutters, is that it
> means one barely needs to bother responding to them, they are so
> ridiculous. Almost everyone now thinks the Neocons are a joke. Its the
> same with you Turq, and the other Pseudo-rationalists, and "Fanatics
> Against TM" group (FAT.)    Your gesticulations are merely the flailings
> of dieing old men, who don't know what to do, as they find themselves
> more and more marginalised and less and less relevant to the world.   
> The more you flail, the less people listen to you. The more a fool you
> make of yourself.    Old man Turquoise, Curt, Geezer, Grate, Vaj etc.
> Your rantings are a sad expression of how irrelevant you feel now that
> you are faced with such broad range of support for TM, with everything
> from genius film-makers, to mainstream comedians, to shock-jocks, to
> 60's rock icons, to techno masters. From the NIH, to Judges in Missouri.
> From Principals of schools to top medical journals. TM is everywhere
> now. This concert is the tip of the iceberg. The flood is coming. This
> is the transition phase, and your world is disappearing.
> You can rant all you want, but just like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'reilly,
> Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, no-one is taking you seriously anymore,
> and you are finding yourself irrelevant. This is the truth. Not a
> put-dow. I am doing you a favor to tell you this. Your worst enemy would
> not point this about about your pathetic life. I am here to help you.  I
> am sorry that as you age and find yourself friendless, that you have to
> find your identity in anonymous postings on FFL, insulting anyone with
> an opinion that is not part of your little group of senile geriatrics in
> cyberspace. It is very sad for you old men, that that is the the way
> your latter years will fade into obscurity and irrelevance . Your
> loneliness is written in your every post Turq. It shouts like the cries
> of a fox in a trap. Fade away now in your lonely senility. Its sad, but
> it is very Zen of you, and maybe that is your last truly irrelevant act.
> To become entirely forgotten and alone.    It is a the act of an
> idiot-hero ...... one whose epitaph reads:  "Here lies Turq ... a legend
> in his own mind"    OffWorld

HaHa, very funny and to the point. Well said !

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