On Apr 26, 2009, at 12:52 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

Lurk: I believe this is what is called baiting. And a little cheap IMO.

Sal: But fun nonetheless. :)

Alright, lurk, here's a true experience of mine,

just to show (at least IMO) what brainwashed groupies

were in the TMO even years back (of which I consider

myself to have been one, BTW, although thankfully

not so far gone as I might have been):  I was asked by someone who

didn't have enough$$ to go on a course if I would help sponsor

her, along with a few others.  I was applying to the same course,

so I said sure.

Come to find out a week or two later, she then "reported" me,

after getting the $$, for some minor OTP (gasp!) infringement,

can't remember now what it even was.

We both got on the course, BTW, but as geeze put it so well,

it was just another dent in the armor that many of us wore in

order to maintain the fiction that we were actually dealing

with normal, well-intentioned people.  We weren't.

I understand. I got rejected from a course (or going to Zambia back in 77?) based on a very subjective termination by Reed Martin. I was in Livingson Manor at the time, and when it happened, a voice inside me said "go home", "go home". That may have been when the bonds to TMO started to weaken some.

Yeah, you mentioned that you might have
described some experience a little too
enthusiastically or something, and then
they put you on some hit-list.

This was one Lisa A who ratted on me,
for what I've forgotten.  But I'm pretty
sure I started hearing the same voice.


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