On May 6, 2009, at 11:03 AM, grate.swan wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:

So your argument appears primarily to be a scholarly a sort of
comparative, historical view of meditation methods. Interesting,
but of no value to me in any practical sense.

If it was a scholarly comparative, etc. view, it might have less
value. It's interesting I see this same comment when TM folks are
confronted with others with more experience. They're often very
reactive for some reason to people experientially familiar with the
tradition(s) they claim to be from. I do think the scholarly POV is
quite worthwhile, but I also, for example have found it valuable to
find out what that gap was in my awareness during my TM practice and
why my breath stopped. It was even more interesting to then be able
to be guided beyond that in an authentic way to the next steps. It
was amazing to me (but obviously much less so to you) that there was
a record and tradition of others who had not only had experienced the
same thing, but that they had been repeating this simple process of
exploration and unfoldment for so long, so successfully. It was
amazing that they had a vocabulary for all this.

So you have gained some intellectual satisfaction. Still, you continue to divert from the original question --

No, again you try to misrepresent what I'm saying. It's not that important, it's the experiential understanding satisfaction that's really satisfying. It's yours. It can be shared. The intellectual understanding, the inseparable relative aspect, is the means to share.

What practical benefits in daily life in the realm of improved thinking and cognitive function, improved body / health function, improved social behavior?

Yes, of course, these are helpful.

Its your perogative to punt -- but I assume that would men you have no such benefits and diversion and deflection are the best that you can come up with.

No, I don't really thinks it's helpful to brag these kind of things. It's sufficient to say 'yes, many of the things you've heard are true.' The more wood the more fire. Your wood and your fire will be different from mine, so why bother talking about my fire? Negative energy can transform into wisdom and insight. Negative emotions can diminish, yes, it's true. Virtue can blossom and have an impact in your way in the world. Your role as a compassionate human being can expand your role in the world, yes this can and does happen. Pass it on as best you can.

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