On May 14, 2009, at 3:07 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:

So which is better? To behave ethically and compassionately towards people, even though it's not required, or to be un-ethical and harsh dealings with people but rely on paid for pundits to replace the lost goodwill?

The "goodwill crunch" will come slowly over the next 10 years. Already MUM cannot find new staff to replace retiring staff, in 10 years time the situation will be so serious there will be too few staff to keep the thing going and it will have to close.

That is Bevan's true legacy.

From a recent post by Ruth on TMFB:

Cash Deficit at MUM
Posted by Ruth at 5/06/2009 12:01:00 PM
From a recent M.U.M.mailing signed by Morris and Haglin:

"Dear Alumni and friends,

Along with colleges, universities, and businesses around the country, we are facing a financial challenge as a result of the economic recession.

We want to tell you what we are doing in response--and invite your help as our partner in this urgent situation.

The challenge

The downturn in the job market has slowed the hiring of our Computer Science co-op students. These students bring a major revenue stream to the University--but the lion's share comes when they are hired by a US company, enabling them to take out a bank loan and pay their full tuition, room, and board fees. The slower pace of hiring means a cash flow deficit of about $2 million this fiscal year.

What we are doing

We have mobilized intensive support for placing these students in jobs:

- They are receiving one-on-one coaching, assistance in polishing resumes, and expanded training in job searching skills.

- We are paying $1000 to anyone who makes a contact that leads to the hiring of a student.

- We are phoning the 800+ companies that have hired our students so far.

This new team approach has been effective--we had 15 new student hires this past month compared to 5 in each of the previous several months.

University-wide, we have also taken these important steps:

-- Salary reductions--We have implemented across-the board salary reductions (10-15%) for faculty and staff.

--Other expense reduction--We have reduced the food service budget by 10% and are deferring spending wherever possible.

The reductions in salaries and food service spending should save around $750,000 annually.

--Lines of credit--We have increased our lines of credit by $1 million and are seeking more.

--Energy conservation--We have launched a campus-wide program to reduce energy usage, including presentations in every classroom. -

--Administrative streamlining--We have identified areas where we can reduce cost and increase efficiency by consolidating functions.

--Revenue enhancement--We have launched a campaign to boost contributions to the Golden Dome Support Fund, among other measures."

The remainder of the letter is a solicitation for funds. Even though there currently are no dome fees all sidhas who are doing program in the dome are now being asked to contribute a minimum of $30 a month. I assume this includes those on the $700 Settle grant. Money is tight for the folks on the grant programs and will be getting tighter. Money is tight for faculty and staff and these cuts will really hurt.

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