--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" 
<raunchy...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 
<no_reply@> wrote:
[quoting me:]
> > > > "Nothing would have thrilled me more than to
> > > > have been able to support a black man (or even
> > > > better, a black woman) for president."
> > > > When Judy was asked about this she 
> > > > changed the subject, attacked, then ran.
> > > 
> > > What post are you referring to when "she changed
> > > the subject, attacked, then ran?" I'd like to
> > > read it to see if I can figure out what makes you
> > > think this of Judy.
> > 
> > I didn't ask about Judy.
> Really? I thought you were quoting Judy and were
> wondering why "she changed the subject, attacked,
> then ran" so I attempted to explain her statement
> from my POV.

Actually, he was poisoning the well, trying to
prejudice readers in advance about my purported

If I had been asked about it, then had changed the 
subject, attacked, and run, it would appear that
I knew the statement was sexist and was attempting
to avoid the issue.

Trouble is, I was never asked about it, by satvadude
or anybody else. He made that whole sequence up out 
of whole cloth.

Which is why he's trying to evade Raunchy's question
as to which post he's referring to. There is no such
post because there was no such question. She can't
read it because it doesn't exist.

As to the question he's asking, only a really stupid
person would ask it seriously, and satvadude isn't

Yes, my statement was sexist, just as much as it was
racist. But he didn't ask about racism, did he?

Somebody should ask him whether he thinks Sotomayor's
nomination to the Supreme Court is sexist (or racist).

But satvadude is obviously not interested in any
legitimate discussion of any of the issues involved;
his only motivation is to do whatever he can to make
me look bad, even if he has to lie to accomplish it.
(He's also trying to create a rift between me and
Raunchy. Good luck with that.)

It doesn't occur to him that this approach makes *him*
look far worse, but there you are. As I've been saying,
some men have tremendous difficulty thinking rationally
when they're experiencing strong emotions, because to
experience emotions is in and of itself inherently
terrifying to them; it's a threat to their very manhood.

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