Vaj wrote:
> Sorry to be a stickler but you're assuming 
> it's honorific without any evidence to 
> support that. All we truly know is that it's 
> an alias (esp. since it's not the actual 
> name on his passport).
Sort of like 'Vaj'? LOL!

But his given name, by all accounts, was
'Mahesh' which means 'Shiva, so the nickname
'Maharishi' simply explains the given name 
- Marshy - they are one and the same name.

Lord Shiva is the Adi Shankara, so that
indicates that Mahesh is the reincarnation
of God. Yogis don't usually go by birth 

> What would be helpful is to see a transcript 
> of the alleged Cochlin interview or to hear 
> an MP3 of a recording!
Helpful to whom? Marek understands the honorific
name, Vaj can't, or won't. Yet Vaj is supposedly
the cultic expert. Go figure.

"According to Jay Randolph Coplin, the name
"Mahesh" indicated that the Maharishi came 
from a Hindu family that worshipped Shiva. 
Cynthia Ann Humes writes that his family was 
of the Kayastha (scribal) caste. Contrary to 
some reports, caste rules allow the honorific 
terms "yogi" or "maharishi" to be applied to 
those of the Kayastha caste..." - Wikepedia

Read more:

'Gurus In America'
by Cynthia Ann Humes and Thomas A. Forsthoefel
State University of New York Press, 2005

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