--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> [snip]
> > Also in their favor is that Euro-nations have not spent
> > the decades since World War II spending literally *half*
> > of their Gross National Product on "defense," which is
> > a euphemism for both "Better ways to kill people," and
> > "Subsidies for Defense Industries." America has.
> [snip]
> Before you open your big, fat mouth about
> things you know nothing about, why don't
> you actually do some research?
> Show me one year since WWII when half of
> the GDP was spent on "defense".  For goodness
> sake's, even with Obama's $3.8 trillion budget
> this year (which includes defense as just one
> category of spending, which is not even the
> largest one) that only represents about 25% of
> the entire GDP.

What he's most likely thinking of is the stat
that U.S. defense spending amounts to more
than half of *global military spending*.

> How does this guy spout off this stuff without
> knowing what he is talking about?

SOP for Barry. Back in February he made this
startling claim:

"Over half of the adult population of the U.S.
is on a regular prescription for some kind of

Of course it's nowhere *near* that high a
percentage. Maybe he made the same mistake as
he did with defense spending: maybe U.S.
adults account for half the antidepressant
prescriptions globally.

As I keep saying, Barry just makes up the 
reality he'd *like* to have.

(And of course he'll never admit to having
been wrong on either of these.)

What a loser.

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