--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Consider this the #1 post in favor of Shemp's not being banned.

Consider this yet another self-righteous, 
holier-than-thou whine and putdown by the
person who has held and continues to hold
more grudges on this forum than almost any-
one else, and who has gratuitously slammed
others at his whim since he got here.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Shemp.
This is about Edg still being pissed off that
Alex blew him off as the computer-ignorant,
moralizing fool he is last week over the
"revealing posters' IP country of origin"
non-issue. In other words, it's just Edg
acting out over Yet Another Grudge.

For the record though, Alex, as Sal points
out, Shemp's two posts were made several hours
after last week's Post Count closed out, at
least according to the Yahoo Web reader. Edg
*could* have said it that way, but chose to
act like a deranged tent-revival preacher 

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