--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberat...@...> 
> > I suppose that's true. But somehow it doesn't move me
> > to get on a soapbox and tell people to suck it up when
> > they're hurting.
> >
> I didn't mean to get on a soapbox about it, sorry if
> it seemed that way.

Oh, gee, no need to apologize! It would have been
fine even if you did.

I'm just saying, I can see the truth of what you're
saying, but it doesn't *do* anything for me.

> It was just a little frustration that i've had for
> the last 20 years seeing all these psychic/astrological
> predictions that some magical wave of consciousness
> is overcome us all and create a heavenly wave that will
> lift us all above our current condition just like that,
> no doing on our part at all.

No argument from me on that point. We *could* use a
heavenly wave to lift us off our butts and give us a
good kick in the pants, though.

> My only argument was that it's not quite as bad as
> most people think, and by all means I am excluding
> those who have truly been overcome by personal
> tragedies in life.  I've had my own as well, and would
> never try to convince those who've been through 'really'
> hard times that they have nothing to complain about.

Duly noted.

I was really picking up on the political point about
the cost of health care in this country being a big
problem for many people, and for the country as a

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