raunchydog wrote:
> ...Williams got some criticism for "bowing" to Obama 
> after an exclusive interview with Obama, and Obama 
> sees fit to humiliate him in public? Arrogant much, 
> Mr. President?
Apparently Brian Williams is feeling that he is sometimes 
seen as being pro-Obama, not only from Fox News, but 
from Obama supporters as well. Obviously Brian Williams 
is an ass-kisser, that's why Obama told the joke in the
first place. Williams wants to be perceived as an
impartial reporter, but he wants to have it both ways,
otherwise, why would Williams support the Republicans
view that Obama hasn't been tough on the Iranian regime?

"...on the NBC nightly News tonight Brian Williams 
perpetuated the right wing propaganda that Obama has 
said nothing critical about the Iran situation..."

Read more:

'Brian Williams uses right wing distortion of Obama Iran policy'
Posted by TDC In Florida
Daily Kos, Tuesday Jun 23, 2009 at 04:41:04 PM PDT

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