"In the past six years, nearly one-fourth of every dime raised by Max Baucus 
and his political-action committee has come from groups and individuals 
associated with drug companies, insurers, hospitals, medical-supply firms, 
health-service companies and other health professionals."


Max Baucus eliminated single-payer from committee discussions of health care 
reform then feigns regret in an interview with the New York Times. 

"In all likelihood, Baucus took single-payer off the table for a very good 
reason—because he isn't trying to create a progressive health reform package. 
His statement to the Times was pure BS...

After the fact, he was covering his keister for those on the left...
When Baucus voiced his regrets to the Times, it was a big silly con!

Were we really supposed to believe that, after all these years, Baucus made the 
rookie mistake he described? That's what Baucus told the Times."

Bob Somerby

"We know the Republicans aren't on our side, but the Democrats pretend to be 
our friends while selling us down the river.  They are the political equivalent 
of the Washington Generals.  They get paid to put on a show and lose.

Nothing will change until the lefty blogosphere quits making excuses for them."


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