---Ultimately, people should embrace Buddhism.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> Since most TM'ers, especially in the tmorg, have accepted TM in lieu of 
> Religion they have no ethical or moral guidelines.  Patanjali taught all the 
> moral and ethical guidelines necessary for a rounded spiritual development in 
> his first two limbs (or means) of Yoga, MMY never taught these limbs.
> MMY, in an effort to reach as many people as possible with his TM or higher 
> Yoga (so called in a Canadian interview),  by higher he meant Yoga proper or 
> Samyama the 6th, 7th and 8th limbs (means to Yoga).
> Yama-the proscriptions
> NiYama-the prescriptions
> When one of the sense stallions get out of control they must be reigned in, 
> in this case the gustatory sense in out of control resulting in obesity, poor 
> health, and loss of self esteem.
> First by meditation one energizes his innate powers and then by ones God 
> given free will the "impossible becomes possible"!! MMY 
> Unless one harnesses ones own innate powers and uses effort to control the 
> senses he will be waiting forever for TM to *kick-in*and do it for him. It's 
> called a fork in the road, will you take the high road...or the low road?

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